Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Chapter 1 In The Begining........

WAR means a big fight between countries. WAR means blood. WAR brings nothing but damages and tragic. What do your think about WORLD WAR? Its means fight in all over the world. People used to say World War 1 was fighting with guns ; World War 2 was fighting with bombs, atomic weapons, planes and...... (WOW.....Human are getting smart...improving day by day); most probably World War 3 will be nuclear warfare; and World War 4 will be fighting with sticks and rock. Cause we have nothing left.

(In a classroom)..... "Well class, this is all for today, thank you and see you guys on next class,"says Ms Smith (my maths lecturer)...(Zzzz)Lying on the table.... "Hey Kit, wake up. Class end. Wake up,"Bryan (one of my close friend in class) called. "Eun Sun is looking at you, you better wake up,"Bryan again. "Huh, where where?"I said. Gosh....I got cheated again... (Eun Sun was the prettiest girl in class. She is a korean girl but mother chinese)"Haha.....you see I told you, you admired her right?"Bryan said.

"Er.........",I was thinking what to say. And Bryan say:" Haha........, its ok. Better get changed and ready for training later. Coach will be mad if we are late again."

Ohya....I forgot to intoduce myself. My name is Zhou Choi Kit 周彩杰. I am a cantonese. I am studying in Alge College. Guess what? I am 19 already.....I am a very ordinary person. Nothing special and low profile.....(Hehe)

(After training, at home) "You looks exhausted....how are you doing,dear? Hows school?" Mrs Zhou(My mum). "Tired.....Exhausted......Hungry......"answer with a tired look. "Better bath and come down for dinner...Your dad maybe home anytime..."she said. "Ok..........."I answered. After dinner, I went to bed.(Zzzz)And its started AGAIN.....!!!(to be continued)